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Diagnostic Ultrasound


Diagnostic ultrasound scanning can be used to supplement the physiotherapy assessment, providing a comprehensive detailed examination of the anatomy, and the dynamic function of the affected area. Given that the scan is performed within a physiotherapy context we are able to determine the clinical relevance of any findings and whether or not they have any relationship to your problem. Diagnosis is never made on the basis of imaging alone.


An ultrasound scanner does not use X-Rays (ionising radiation) making it a safe diagnostic procedure. The ultrasound probe emits high frequency sound waves that are passed through your body and as they are reflected back by the structures inside, the echoes are used to form an image.


Ultrasound allows direct real time visualisation of the soft tissues, augmenting the clinical diagnosis of injuries such as muscle tears and tendon injuries. It also allows us to monitor improvements in conditions over time, and by visualising the healing process in this way, we are more able to accurately predict full functional recovery.


Common Conditions for Diagnostic Ultrasound Scanning

Muscle tears

Bleeding or fluid collections in muscles, bursae or joints

Diagnosing tendon tears as seen in rotator cuff tendons of the shoulder or the achilles tendon

Benefits of Diagnostic Ultrasound Scanning


Higher resolution imaging of superficial structures such as tendons

Relatively low cost

Real time comparison with the contralateral side

Ability to perform the scan dynamically

Book an Appointment

To make an appointment please call 020 8501 1449 and speak to our reception staff or use our contact form to send us a message.


You can self-refer or be referred by your GP or consultant. Skype and Zoom consultations are available.

T: 020 8501 1449

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